The First P3

Taliaferro’s Farm, New Paltz, New York

In Spring of 2007, the first P3 BioSand Bag Filter was Taliaferro’s Farm. Encouraged by the results of version 1.0, modifications were made. Versions 2.0 and 3.0 were constructed in 2008 and the current version was fine-tuned during 2009, providing the targeted results of 99.999% reduction in bacteria and fecal coliform.

The P3 BioSand Bag pilot was conducted in New Paltz, New York at the Taliaferro Farms. The filter run began on October 11, 2009 and was terminated due to freezing conditions on December 6, 2009. This was the 2nd pilot run in 2009 with the fist being carried out in June of that year.

Testing protocol included twice a day flow measurements, weekly/bi-weekly turbidity, bacteriological, and Volatile & Synthetic Organic contaminates testing. United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) certified Laboratories and testing procedures were used for samples collected and analyzed during this filter run.

Influent and Effluent samples were collected for total coliforms and E. coli analysis. Reviewing the data (table #3), a 2-log reduction in coliform bacteria is achieved within the first 3 weeks of filter start up. For samples collected on November 7, 20 and 30, 2009, E coli analysis showed a 99.5, 100, & 100% reduction through the filter respectively.

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